Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Long time no blog!

I have finally found my nesting Mojo. Subsequent to the 11 binbags of clothes donated to charity, there have been about 50 DVDs, and I have found another 4 binbags and another 50 DVDs, as well as a couple of bits of furniture and various other odds and sods, and items of bric-a-brac.

I used to make tiaras as a cheeky sideline to earn myself some pocket money, and some of my earlier ones (which by my standards are not up to scratch now) have gone to the charity shop brand new as well, for them to sell. I figured I don't want to put my name to them, and someone out there might want one!

I cannot wait for the excavation of crap to be over. I have a few places to go yet - the understairs cupboard, the kitchen drawers, and the bedroom. So far I have done the nursery (formerly the spare room), and most of the dining room, and I have made a start on the sitting room. I have this week cleaned the bathroom (needed doing!) the kitchen (apart from the drawers), hoovered and brushed the stairs (the dimwits who did up this house used separate pieces of carpet for each step so the pile (cut pile, not loop pile) faces in 4 different directions, and traps dirt like you wouldn't believe), and hoovered and brushed the rug in the sitting room.

I am now totally cream crackered. Must remember to take it a bit easier though as I managed to get myself out of breath by hoovering the stairs and the rug.

Buddy has taken to sleeping upstairs during the day, in the nursery - either on the bed, or on the nice chinese rug in there. I think he thinks the room is his. Either that or it's a desperate plea to be involved in whatever is going on in that room, and by sleeping in there whenever possible is guaranteeing himself a slice of the action.

Don't worry, Buddy. We love you, and think you will make a great, hairy, older brother for Mal Jr. We would never leave you behind. You make us feel like a family, and our house feel like a home.

Monday, 11 August 2008


Eleven is the number of binbags of clothes I have donated to charity.

Four is the number of binbags of rubbish I have thrown out.

One is the number of wheelie-bins I have left to fill.

Two is the number of mad aunts/grandparents who seriously pissed me off on holiday.

Three is the number of steps my nephew has taken since being back from holiday.

Ninety is the number of minutes it will take me to get to the Mothership's house tomorrow.

Six is the number of dogs that will be waiting there for Buddy to play with (Grumpy Grandpa, Uncle Shadow, Womble-nosed Dad, Mum, and Yoda who are all the same breed as Buddy, and a lovely Keeshond who is two sizes of dog bigger.)

I shall post a family portrait if I manage to get one tomorrow.

Friday, 1 August 2008

What a way to start the day

Just a quick one before we go on "holiday" - got a text this morning saying our friends had turned their little girl into a big sister overnight. A whopper of a baby girl weighing 10 lbs arrived with minimal pain relief.

Congrats to D and J and big sister A.