Friday, 27 June 2008

He forgot the canary.

Hello, I'm Mrs Mal. Spurred on my by husband's new blogging experience yesterday, I thought I'd better join in too.

I'm Mrs Mal, I'm 28, currently sharing the space inside my skin with Mal Jr. and I am chief lover, cuddler and groomer of Buddy the dog. Mal forgot to mention that we also have a canary, Birdie Mal, who sings and showers a corner of our living space with feathers and seed husks. I work as an assistant manager in a shop that sells reasonably posh ladies' clothes. We live in the Home Counties, which appears to be "reasonably posh lady" heartland. So the shop does OK. I make clothes (and a lot of mess) in my spare time, much to Mal's annoyance and despair.

Mal Jr is set to make an appearance in October, and most of this blog will probably be made up of the fears, joys, irritants and tear-jerkers of being a new parent.

Hope someone other than Mal reads it!

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